BRIEF: For a university brief, Moo Moo Milk was created as a physical prototype for a hypothetical milk brand with a unique and interactive approach to a simple milk product; later expanded into a dairy brand as a personal passion project.
CLIENT: Moo Moo Milk
CONCEPT: Branding, Logo Design, Brand Design, Product Design, Packaging Design, Photography
APPLICATIONS: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Procreate
YEAR: 2022
REFLECTION: Designing this product was an interesting and fun hands-on experience, I had to design a product entirely from scratch, this meant printing out and making my very own milk carton. As I struggle with crafts, this was somewhat challenging, however, making smaller-scale prototypes and checking and fixing up any errors and scaling beforehand helped ease the stress and further financial costs. Once I was satisfied with the results through prototyping, I printed out the final design on quality paper and created and photographed the final Moo Moo Milk Carton myself which you can now see below. ​​​​​​
Having to photograph the final prototype myself was quite a learning curve, it made me accept the not-so-perfect outcomes that are achieved through digital mockups. Additionally, not having access to a professional studio during the photography process made it quite hard to take good-quality images, however, this helped me strengthen my Photoshop skills where I had to then go back and adjust the lighting and edit out any imperfections. 
This process also taught me the importance of prototyping and how much it can help in the long run. It also taught me the importance of how even the smallest details can make or break a design, hence, I should keep an eye out for minute details and get constant feedback throughout the design process. 
BRAND OVERVIEW: MooMoo Milk is a high-end milk brand targeted towards people around the ages 25-40 who are mainly parents with younger kids.​​​​​​​
It provides an interactive experience where the kids can collect the peel-off stickers of different cows that come along with each of the milk cartons; each carton showcasing the cow which produced that specific milk. After which parents can scan the QR code revealed on the packaging behind the sticker to log the cows as ‘collectables’ on our site and get updates on the farm and the particular cows that have been logged in. This also enters you into a draw for a monthly giveaway where the more stickers you collect, the more entries you’ll be given, and should you collect all the collectables within the month, you will be given twice the draw entries.​​​​​​​
The brand utilises a catchy, colourful scheme and adorable illustrations giving it a friendly tone and making it attention-grabbing for children while the sophisticated typography and placements give it a professional look making it attention-grabbing for parents. 
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