BRIEF: Expanding upon Women's Mental Health and ADHD, develop an individual creative concept that further responds to the research conducted by creating a campaign including its detailed design strategy and positioning; process documentation, explanations, and draft mock-ups of the proposed campaign and its branding.
ABOUT: A campaign about how ADHD affects women
CONCEPT: Social Design, Campaign Design, Branding
APPLICATIONS: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate
YEAR: 2023
REFLECTION: Creating this campaign, while meaningful and important, was quite challenging at the time as I had a lot of trouble coming up a satisfactory logo. Due to the topic of this campaign being unprecedented in my work prior this brief, normally where I was able to come up with a 100 logo drafts, here, I struggled to come up with even 10. I ended up going with the best of the ones I could come up with, however, was still not satisfied with how it had turned out. It also was too long for my liking, which also meant issues with sizing it down for smaller things like brochures or business cards.

Over the weeks, I made sure to get regular feedback from my tutor and peers while constantly improving upon the logo by experimenting with the colours and type. During one of the sessions, one of my peers suggested moving the lines of the logo a little, and that was it! that was exactly what I couldn't get my head around. By the end of this process, I was finally able to design a logo that I was happy with. This brief definitely pushed me to become an even better designer as now I know despite any slumps I may be in, or have to work on topics I've never tried before, I can always bounce back. This journey also taught me the importance of feedback and getting to hear other people's perspectives. As someone who is always open to constructive critique, this brief was a prime example of how sometimes we can miss something so simple. 
CONTEXT: ADHD in women can present differently, which can leave a negative long-term effect on their mental health. According to a survey I conducted for the previous assessment, 7 out of 8 women said that they have never come across any campaigns regarding women or women of colour (WOC) despite women being severely underdiagnosed compared to men. Hence, my concept is a campaign that aims to raise awareness about ADHD in women. It aims to highlight and educate people about how ADHD in women can present differently and why it is important to get a diagnosis.
Target Audience: The main target audience for this brand and campaign will be women with undiagnosed ADHD of all ages. Hence, the campaign will be an informational campaign involving brochures, posters and pamphlets. This will also include promotional content on billboards and social media.
Visual Identity: A design strategy has been implemented throughout the brand’s visual identity. As you go through this report, you will see that the logo, colour scheme, patterns, and typography have all been selected and designed with immense thought and meaning behind them to help the audience connect with the brand on a personal and emotional level.
Despite the stereotype of ADHD, it is an attention deficit disorder, not a hyperactivity disorder. Hence, this is an important part of the brand as individuals with ADHD often feel overwhelmed while trying to consume too much information and lose focus. Using a unique and eye-catching visual identity will help keep the readers interested and entertained.
Therefore, I will be designing a range of informational media such as posters, brochures, pamphlets, and social media and billboard promotions which encompass a variety of options with varied amounts of information for the readers to choose from or come across.
Campaign: The campaign aims to help women with undiagnosed ADHD through their journey towards getting a diagnosis. In order to achieve this, the campaign will first have to help them overcome the stigma and stereotypes surrounding ADHD in women and help them recognise and understand themselves.
A variety of helpful topics will be covered ranging from brief to extensive information through different media types as discussed above.
POSITIONING: Since the campaign’s main focus will be the informational media, the brochures, pamphlets and posters will be provided to medical facilities such as mental health clinics and hospitals. This will cover a major portion of the target audience as everyone goes to the doctor at some point in their lives.
Additionally, this will also include medical and counselling rooms in educational facilities such as schools and universities to cover the younger target audience who may not visit the doctors as often.
Further, the campaign will also cover billboards at bus stops and train stations and promotions over social media to ensure the rest of the target audience who lives in a fast-paced work environment for instance can come across the campaign.
As this is a campaign that is quite widespread and targets an audience with no specific age range, partnerships are vital to this cause to help spread much-needed awareness among women who have undiagnosed ADHD due to the lack of any campaigns targeting this very serious topic in Australia.
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