Commercial Client Project
BRIEF: Ecological Interactions Research Team (EIRT) focuses on the ecology and conservation of invertebrate and vertebrate pollinators and the pollination function they provide both within native and agricultural ecosystems. Develop a brand and identity for the brand reflecting the scientific background and target audience encompassing three varying areas, research, education, and engagement.
YEAR: 2023
REFLECTION: EIRT branding was created during my design internship along with two other designers. During this project, I played the lead graphic and motion designer as EIRT did not have an existing design team. While we were supervised by one of our previous tutors, Dr Leo Robba, he could not attend the latter half of our internship due to him being extremely busy, making our team entirely in charge. I designed the logo, made the style guide, and animated the logo and a landscape animation illustrated by another member.

This experience greatly tested me and allowed me to create something so far off my radar with a sophisticated and scientific approach for its intended target audience while also allowing my team and I to deal with the client one-on-one, while sometimes frustrating, it was a great learning opportunity.
One of the things that I seemed to struggle with during this opportunity was the ability to let go. As I was the lead graphic designer, this meant it was my responsibility to start off the initial design process of the visual identity such as creating logo designs which would then be handed off to the team to continue. However, as my first project in charge, I was overly excited and wanted to complete the work myself, rather than letting someone else finish it off despite knowing the quality skills of my team. 

With great restraint and a solid talk with the team, I was able to take a step back. This was a great learning experience about being in charge and splitting workloads for someone like me who wants to work in a studio-based design agency in the future, where such things occur on a regular basis. 
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