BRIEF: Develop a branding solution for "brand you". This includes creating everything from a style guide to a creative rationale. 
CLIENT: Khushi Mali
CONCEPT: Branding, Logo Design, Brand Design
REFLECTION: This was my first attempt at creating an entire brand, while this was a long and somewhat stressful journey, I learnt a lot about the flow of a design process from start to finish and how a brand's tone and core values can shape and form a whole brand image. I also learnt a lot about the different kinds of design documentation such as a style guide and a creative rationale, how to lay them out, and their importance in creating a brand. 
APPLICATIONS: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Procreate
Since creating this personal brand back in 2021, I have been coming back to it over the years, constantly updating and improving upon it such as recreating the logo in Illustrator, creating new mockups, updating the style guide, and changing the placement and layout of certain elements. I believe this is important to do as I created this branding when I had just started out, and while I was proud of it back then, I have since improved and grown a lot as a designer and an individual. Revising this brand every year or so, even in the smallest of ways, ensures that it is current and represents my current self and set of skills. 
Style Guide:
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